Like a Boomerang: Why do employees return to Moneris?

Like a Boomerang: Why do employees return to Moneris?

July 21, 2022 By: Calculating time...
Over the past 18 months, Moneris has welcomed back an impressive number of former employees to rejoin our team. We chatted with some of these “boomerang employees” to learn what drew them back to Moneris and this is what they told us.

Their top reasons for returning:

Relationships: By far, this was the biggest driver because they each had a great relationship with their former leader, who reached out to them about the possibility of returning. And, they each spoke about their former colleagues, for example:

“All the people I worked with were still here and I missed them – I missed that sense of community.”

Moneris Cares: There was strong sentiment that Moneris really cares about its people, for example:

“Moneris doesn’t put a lot of pressure on employees – you get the chance to think. When employers apply a lot of pressure, the output suffers.”

 “I was never expected or pressured into working off hours or a weekend.”

Agility: They wanted to return to fewer layers and less bureaucracy, for example:

“There are fewer layers of hierarchy at Moneris, so when something is important, it’s easier to get things done – less bureaucracy, quicker approvals, more nimbleness.”

Our position in the marketplace: Working for a market leader is appealing, for example:

“Being a key player in the market brings with it the opportunity to work on big, important projects, and greater opportunity to make a big impact – this was a big motivator to come back.”

What they appreciate most about working at Moneris now:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: They each applauded the progress made on DEI, for example:

“It was really refreshing to come back to such a structured approach to DEI, and employees are really engaged in it.”

“It’s great that we’re very diverse at all levels, particularly the ELT – it really backs what we’re trying to achieve from a DEI perspective.”

“The flexible approach to hiring from across the country will lead to a more diverse workforce and diversity-of-thought is so important.”

Culture: They thought that the overall Moneris culture has come a long way over the past few years, for example:

“There’s been really positive change around the way we talk about development and the opportunities that are now available.”

“I’ve seen a lot of good change in culture, in very important ways. Now people are a lot more open to working together to make change happen.”

 “I appreciate the level of maturity, experience and wisdom that leadership brings. In my last role, it was difficult to watch poor decisions being made when I knew it could be done much better.”

And their parting thoughts:

“It’s fun, and it’s like a second family. I would move heaven and earth to support the people I work with, and I know my leader would do the same.”

“I feel like I belong, we are working together toward the same goals.”

“It’s night and day – everywhere else pales in comparison.”


We’d like to extend a huge thanks to our interviewees!

Ali Shahid, Business Analyst III

Dana Ciobanu, Director, Business Transformation Office

Eduardo Serenato, Director, Sales Marketing Analytics

Robert Bisson, Manager, Software Development and Architecture II

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Article filed under:

corporate culture


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