The Gift & Loyalty Reports Menu

This menu allows you to print a number of Gift & Loyalty reports.

Click on a report name in the table below to go to the appropriate instructions.



Select this menu item to:

Trans List


print a list of all Gift & Loyalty transactions in the terminal memory.

Trans Inquiry


print the Transaction Inquiry report.

Clerk Subtotals


print a list of totals for one or more clerks
(only active if clerk IDs are configured).

Batch Close


close the Gift & Loyalty Batch.

Config List


print a list of the current settings for each parameter.

Tip Totals  


print a list of the current tip totals for one or more clerks.

Gift & Loyalty Reports Menu

To access the Gift & Loyalty Reports menu:

1.      On the applications menu, select GIFT & LOYALTY.
The message "Activating App..." is displayed, then the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu appears.

2.      Press the REPORTS key (first purple key on the right). 

Note: For instructions on navigating through the menus and editing parameters, see The Menu Feature.