Responding to Basic Transaction Prompts

Merchant Prompts

If this prompt appears ...

Take this action

Imprint Card

Press OK Key

Take an imprint of the card and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Sign Cust Copy

Sign the Cardholder copy of the receipt (sometimes required on Refund and Purchase Correction transactions).

Obtain Signature

Have the cardholder sign the Merchant copy of the receipt.

Tear Receipt

Press OK Key

Tear the receipt and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Note: This prompt is enabled when the Customer Copy parameter is set to "Automatic".

Customer Press OK to Continue

Pass the terminal to the customer, who follows the prompts.

Return to Clerk

Retrieve the terminal and press the green Green_Key.jpg key to continue.

Last 4 Digits

Key in the last four digits of the card number and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Exp Date (MMYY)

Key in the card's expiry date (MMYY) and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Validation Code

Key in the three- or four-digit validation code on the back of the card and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Code present?

If the code is not there, select No. If the code is not readable, select Xread.


Key in the manager password and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Prt Cust Cpy

Select Yes to print a Customer copy of the transaction receipt.


Select No to continue without printing a Cardholder copy.

Note: This prompt is enabled when the Customer Copy parameter is set to "Confirm".

Swipe Card:


Swipe, Tap, or Insert Card:

Swipe, tap or insert a credit or debit card.

Promo Code:

Key in the six-digit Private Label promotion code and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.


Customer Prompts

If this prompt appears ...

Take this action

Surchg Fee


$               ##.##

Select Yes to accept the surcharge fee on a debit transaction.


Select No to cancel the transaction.

Tip %:

Enter a tip percentage and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.  For example, if the desired tip is 27%, the customer keys in '27'.

Customer Press OK to Continue

Press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Select Language

Select ENG (English) or FRN (French).

Select Appl:

Select a displayed application by pressing the corresponding function key (F1, F2, etc.).

<Application name>-OK?

Select Yes to confirm use of the displayed application.

Purchase Amount OK?

Check the Purchase amount and select Yes to accept it.

Purchase Total OK?

Check total Purchase + Cashback + Tip Amount and select Yes to accept it.

Select Account:

Select CHQ (Chequing) or SAV (Savings).

Enter PIN & OK:

Key in the customer's PIN (Personal Identification Number) and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

Remove Card

Remove the chip card from the reader.

Note: The terminal beeps until the card is removed.

Return to Clerk

Return the device to you.

Partial Appr

$###.## Yes No

Press Yes to acknowledge the Partial Approval transaction, or press No to cancel the transaction.

Do Not Remove


Leave the chip card inserted in the reader until instructed to remove it (see "Remove Card" in this table for more information).