Clerk Subtotals Report for Gift & Loyalty Transactions

This report displays or prints the totals of all Moneris gift and/or loyalty transaction types for one or more clerk IDs in the current batch without closing the batch.

To print the Clerk Subtotals report for transactions:

1.       On the applications menu, select GIFT & LOYALTY.
The message "Activating App..." is displayed, then the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu appears.

2.        Press the REPORTS key (first purple key on the right).
The Reports menu appears.

3.       Select Clerk Subtotals.
If the "Clerk ID:" prompt appears, key in the clerk ID and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.
The "Zero Clerk totals?" prompt appears.

4.       To reset clerk totals to zero (0) upon completion of the report, select Yes.
To continue accumulating clerk totals upon completion of the report, select No.

The "Select Clerks" prompt appears.

5.       Choose one of the following print options:

        To print subtotals for one clerk:

a.       Select One.

b.       Key in the Clerk ID and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

        To print subtotals for a group of clerks:

a.       Select Grp.

b.       Key in the group ID and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.

        To print subtotals for more than one clerk:

a.       Select List.

b.       Key in the clerk ID and press the green Green_Key.jpg key.
The "Add more?" prompt appears.

c.       To add more clerks to the list, select Yes.
To finish the list and print the report, select No.

        To print subtotals for all clerks:

        Select All.

6.       The terminal prints the report and returns to the Reports menu.

7.       Press the red Red_Key.jpg key to return to the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu.