The Gift & Loyalty Transactions Menu

This menu allows you to select the type of Gift & Loyalty transaction you wish to process. The transactions are listed here in the order they appear on the menu. Some items may not appear on the terminal until a specific feature is enabled.

Click on the links in the table below to go to the appropriate instructions.



Use this transaction to:



perform a gift card purchase or a loyalty card purchase.

Pre Auth


perform a Loyalty Pre-Authorization, Pre-Authorization Completion or a Pre-Authorization Deletion transaction with loyalty cards

OR generate a Pre Auth report.



perform a gift card refund or a loyalty card refund.



perform a loyalty card redemption.



activate a gift or loyalty card OR
additional value on a gift card.



deactivate a gift card or loyalty card, OR
transfer a balance
from one gift card to another.

Card Inquiry


display or print the balance and status of a gift card or a loyalty card.



void any gift card or loyalty card transaction.

Clerk Admin


add and delete clerk IDs to your gift or loyalty program.



configure gift & loyalty program parameters.














GIFT & LOYALTY Transactions Menu

To access the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu:

        On the applications menu, select GIFT & LOYALTY.
The message "Activating App..." is displayed, then the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu appears.

Note: For instructions on navigating through the menus and editing parameters, see The Menu Feature.