Processing a Loyalty Pre-Authorization Deletion

Follow the procedure below to delete a Loyalty Pre-Authorization in the terminal memory before it is completed.

To process a Loyalty Pre-Authorization Deletion:

1.      On the applications menu, select GIFT & LOYALTY.

2.      On the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu, select Pre Auth.

3.      On the Loyalty Pre Auth menu, select Del Pre Auth.

        If the "Password:" prompt appears, key in the manager password and press the green OK key. The "Retrieve By" prompt appears.

4.      Select the method to retrieve the Loyalty Pre-Authorization you want to delete:

        To retrieve by Gift & Loyalty Reference Number:

a.      Select Ref#.
The "Ernex Ref Number:" prompt appears.

b.      Key in the Ref # printed on the Loyalty Pre-Authorization transaction’s receipt and press the green OK key (see Finding Sequence and Orig Auth Numbers). If the message "No Record Found" appears, repeat step 3.


        To retrieve by Account Number:

a.      Select Acct.

b.      Key in the last 4 digits of the Loyalty card number and press the green OK key.

The terminal displays the following information about the Loyalty Pre-Authorization:

Ref #:
Card Number

5.      Compare the displayed information to the Pre-Authorization's receipt. Do one of the following:

        If the information matches, select Yes. Proceed to step 6.

        If the information does not match, press Next to scroll through the list of pre-authorized Loyalty cards. Press Yes once the correct information is displayed. Proceed to step 6.  

        To cancel the Deletion, select No. The Loyalty Pre Auth menu appears.

The terminal displays "PreAuth Deleted" and returns to the Loyalty Pre Auth menu.

6.      Press the red CANC ANNUL key  to return to the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu.