Gift & Loyalty Transaction List

This report displays or prints Moneris gift and/or loyalty card transactions stored on the terminal in the current batch without closing the batch.

To display a list of Gift & Loyalty transactions:

1.       On the applications menu, select GIFT & LOYALTY.
The message "Activating App..." is displayed, then the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu appears.

2.       Press the (REPORTS) icon.
The Reports menu appears.

3.       Select Trans List.
If the "Password:" prompt appears, key in the manager password and press the green OK key.
If the "Clerk ID:" prompt appears, key in the clerk ID and press the green OK key. The "Print by Date or Batch?" prompt appears.

4.       Choose the selection method:

        By Date:

a.       Select Date.
The "Date: MMDDYY" prompt appears.

b.       Key in the date and press the green OK key.
Press the green OK key for all dates.  

        By Batch Number:

a.       Select Batch Number.
The "Batch Num" prompt appears.

b.       Key in the batch number (5 numeric digits) and press the green OK key. OR
Press the green OK key for all batches.

        If the "Print Totals Only" prompt appears:

        To print just the terminal batch totals, select Yes.

        To print the transaction details as well as the terminal batch totals, select No.

The terminal prints the list of Gift & Loyalty transactions.

5.       Press the red CANC ANNUL key to return to the GIFT & LOYALTY transactions menu.