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  USER DETAILS The information will be used to create your Merchant Direct account User Details
  Confirm Email 
  Full Name  Your full name will appear on your Merchant Direct profile. Full Name Help
  User ID  You will need your User ID to sign in to your Merchant Direct account. User ID Help
  Password  Password must be: Minimum 8 characters, 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 Number
  Confirm Password  You will need your password to sign in to your Merchant Direct account. Password Help
  Merchant Number 003-0 Fill in the last 9 digits of your Moneris Number without spaces and hyphens
   Your merchant number can be found on your Moneris Statement or Welcome Letter and is 13 digits in length (e.g. 0030123456789)
 BANKING DETAILS This information will be used to verify your account. Contact your bank or reference a void cheque for your banking details. Banking Help
3 to 5 digits (e.g. 00003)
5 digits (e.g. 00123)
Do not enter spaces or hyphens
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